Neural Networks 101: Part 2 - Neural Network Maths
This post will go through the maths and the implementation details on how a Neural Network learns.
This is still very much an overview and foundation of Neural Networks, this post won’t go into details about certain Neural Networks.
This post assumes you have read Neural Networks 101: Part 1, go read that if you haven’t already.
How does a Neural Network learn?
In Part 1, we went through the basic model of a Neural Network as seen in the diagram below.
We are going to create a new diagram that helps in our understanding of the learning process.
The above diagram is still applicable for understanding the model of a Neural Network but the diagram below will demonstrate the process of learning.
The “learning” diagram has the following steps:
INIT: initailize the
PREDICT: For each input, predict whether the input matches a
LOSS: Based on the predictions, calculate the accuracy of the prediction
GRADIENT: Calculate the gradient, a variable that determines how much to adjust the
to affect theLOSS
STEP: Adjust the
based on the calculated gradientRepeat the process again, going back to
while using the newly adjustedPARAMETERS
STOP: Continue this iterative process until the level of loss is acceptable
We can see that this learning mechanism, calculates the required changes to adjust PARAMETERS
in order to bring the LOSS
to an acceptable level.
In the next section we’ll go into detail on each componenet.
Randomized Parameters and the Universal approximation theorem
The first part of our diagram is INIT
, at this stage we randomly initailize our PARAMETER
The idea of randomizing the PARAMETERS
is partly inspired by the Universal approximation theorem.
This theorem states that given a Neural Network with sufficient neurons, it can approximate any continuous function.
Therefore, the PARAMETERS
can be initialized to almost any state since the process of iteratively adjusting the weights according to the calculated gradients enables the Neural Network to adapt and refine its accuracy, effectively learning the function it needs to model.
SGD (Stochastic Gradient Descent)
After we’ve calculated our PREDICTIONS
and determined the LOSS
. We need to update our PARAMETERS
to improve the accuracy of our PREDICTIONS
Stochastic Gradient Descent is an optimization method used in Neural Networks to refine the PARAMETERS
. SGD calculates the GRADIENT
(a derivative) of the LOSS
This is essentially a measure of the rate of change between the PREDICTIONS
and the LABELS
The calculated GRADIENT
provides a direction and magnitude indicating how the PARAMETERS
should be adjusted to minimize the LOSS
. The adjustment is made by moving the PARAMETERS
in the opposite direction of the gradient, scaled by a learning rate
(the step size).
By applying these steps iteratively the model gradually improves its performance.
As a quick refresher on the maths in SGD.
A derivative is a value that represents a rate of change at a certain point towards the critical point.
Using the limit notation of a derivative function, we can find the derivative.
$$ f'(x) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x+h) - f(x)}{h} $$We can understand derivatives by using a simple example.
Let’s assume a company has a profit function:
$$ P(x) = -2x^2 + 12x - 10 $$Let’s assume the profit function has a quadratic form that indicates, as revenue increases with each unit sold, theres a point where increased production leads to diminishing returns.
The objective is to find the number of units x
, that maximizes profit.
- Substitue x for (x + h) from derivative equation.
- Expand P(x + h)
- Calculate P(x + h) - P(x):
- Divide by
and simplify:
- Apply the limit as
approaches 0:
We can see that given our Profit function, we have our derivative function:
$$ P'(x) = -4x + 12 $$This function tells us the magnitude and rate of change towards the limit 0
, as the production quantity x
If we set $P'(x) = 0$, we will be able to find the level that maximizes profit. This works because we are creating a linear equation where we are solving for x
given 0
, the critical point.
We can see that the critical point is reached using the value $x = 3$. In this example, this means that to maximize profit, the company only needs to produce 3
items, any more or less moves away from the critical point resulting in a loss or missed profit.
In the context of Neural Networks, let’s say that 3
is our target. By using other values such as $x = 12$ in our derivative function, the derivative value will essentially tell us the rate of change towards or away from the critical point 3
We can use this derivate value (the GRADIENT
) in SGD to step our PARAMETERS
. This means we are adjusting x
towards a value that will get us closer to 3
Calculating the GRADIENTS
from the LOSS
is known as Back Propagation.
Now that we’ve understood the maths behind Back Propagation. The SGD optimization process requires the use of the calculated GRADIENTS
to update the initial PARAMETERS
This where the STEP
phase is applied. This phase subtracts the PARAMETERS
by the calculated GRADIENTS
but using a learning rate.
The learning rate is an important variable because too big of a learning rate, the PARAMETERS
may vary widly in value but too low of a learning rate, the PARAMETERS
won’t effectively be updated sufficiently.
The process of finding and using an appropriate learning rate is important and won’t be convered in this article.
This is the final phase. After several rounds of making predictions, calculating the loss, calculating the gradients and the stepping the parameters. We should reach a stage where the loss has been reduced to an acceptable level, the training of the Neural Network is stopped.
At this point, we no longer need to perfom training iterations (epochs). The Neural Network could now be used to make predictions on unseen input.
In this article, we have explained at a high level the process of how a Neural Network learns and the maths behind it.
We identified an optimization technique called Stochastic Gradient Descent.
Initialize a random set of
. We can use ranzomied values due to the Universal approximation theoremGenerate a
based on the training input and the correspondingLABEL
Calculate the
, essentially a value measuring the performance of thePREDICTION
against theLABEL
Calculate the
. This a derivative of theLOSS
, telling us the magnitude and direction from the critical point (the correctLABEL
)Step the
. By using a learning rate as a scalar variable, we subtract thePARAMETERS
. This should move ourPARAMETERS
in a direction that should reduce theLOSS
, meaning futurePREDICTIONS
will become more accurateStop. Once we have seen the
decrease to an acceptable level, we can stop training the Neural Network
In Part 3, I will go into detail of a Neural Network